<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13652229/?claim=cx748gmeggu">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I created this blog last year but I have to say I really neglected it and only published two posts...not a great start! I have a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog already called Of Beauty & Nothingness which does demand a lot of my time but I am going to try and make this blog as loved as my first!
I will be publishing once a week or once every two weeks in the beginning about my experiences of being a vegetarian for almost 11 years, vegetarian recipes and my food favourites every month.
If you have any ideas for posts let me know in the comments or email me: heathernixon4@gmail.com
My brand new blog makeover is a pre-made blogger template from the lovely and generous Valerie who owns the Etsy store Dainty Moonbeam (here) and she has a lovely blog too (here).
Heather x